Sunday, June 13, 2010

"IT IS WELL" - Aftermath of a Miscarriage - Video

13 June 2010

Last night Toni was at the emergency room. The doctors confirmed what we feared - a miscarriage. We were so excited to have another child. Our first child, Alyssa, has been a true blessing from the Lord. The worst part about the whole thing was I couldn't be there for my wife, hold her close and comfort her. I felt totally inempt, stuck here in Afghanistan. I wanted to hold her.

I called my parents and I will continue to thank them for traveling last minute from PA to VA to help, comfort, babysit, and bring Toni's mother down. I will forever remember that gesture. They didn't ask me why, they just went. I am so lucky to have parents like them. They are a blessing. Thank you Mom and Dad.

The next morning was rough, but I was glad it was Sunday. My first church service in country. "Is it well" was the subject of the chaplain's message. It was hard to sing the first verse of the hymn "It is well" without welling up. It was the message I needed to hear. I don't blame God, my wife or anyone else. God is good and his plan for us is supreme, even when we don't understand why.

I love you Dear. God continues to bless our family.

Watch a short video blog of the service:

(Full blog at

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jeremy... Saying "sorry" just doesn't do any justice to what you are feeling but I wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you both during this extremely trying time. Stay strong and know that you have friends praying for you. :)
